7 March 2017
Grieve Gillett Andersen

Grieve Gillett Andersen Architects Adelaide

Grieve Gillett Andersen Architects Adelaide

Grieve Gillett Andersen Architects Adelaide

Grieve Gillett Andersen Architects Adelaide
The Port Lincoln Aquatic Centre re-opened on Friday 3 March and has been described as “architecturally beautiful” and one of the best in the State, by Centre Manager Corey Slade.
In 2016 Port Lincoln City Council engaged Grieve Gillett Andersen to deliver the detailed design, documentation and construction refurbishment of the Port Lincoln Leisure Centre complex following an initial feasibility study undertaken by another architectural practice. The complex includes heated indoor pools, sauna, spa, water slide, child care facility, ancillary rooms, gymnasium and a two-court basketball stadium. Originally built in the 1970s and 1980s the existing facilities required substantial refurbishment to meet DDA and relevant standards and to meet community’s expectations.
The project objectives included upgrade of swimming and leisure facilities to maximise appeal to the market and the community, while addressing environmental issues, air quality, water quality, safety, equity and access, and minimise operational costs. Grieve Gillett Andersen interrogated the feasibility study, questioning rationale to remove some of the current facilities, which alienated sectors of the market and community users. Grieve Gillett Andersen consulted with Council, staff, facility operators, sports industry consultants, schools and community to establish market demand and maximise market appeal. The design responded to the Council’s Strategic Directions Plan and demonstrated excellence in Environmentally Sustainable Design.
Due to the success of the Centre, Grieve Gillett Andersen has since been engaged to deliver the new Stadium Expansion, including indoor basketball and squash courts, which will further transform the Port Lincoln Leisure Centre Complex precinct.
Read the article featured in the Port Lincoln Times, 1 March 2017